Sunday, June 17, 2012

Steve Munsey Pimping Old Testament Scripture for Money!

Donation Request Form - Steve Munsey Pimping Old Testament Scripture for Money!.
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Do you know about - Steve Munsey Pimping Old Testament Scripture for Money!

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How is Steve Munsey Pimping Old Testament Scripture for Money!

Steve Munsey Pimping Old Testament Scripture for Money! Tube. Duration : 10.08 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Form . The Inspiration Network hired Steve Munsey for their fund raiser. He played on more Old Testament scriptures than once could imagine. Telling people they have to give their money "now" in order to get a blessing. He even played on the story of the woman who gave her last meal to Elijah. Comparing giving to the network as giving to a great Old Testament prophet. No mention was made that JESUS who is greater than Elijah did not request a donation before he "blessed" people. Munsey claimed people would get everything from monetary "blessings" to physical healing if they gave "now". He later claims there is a "double portion" to be received "now". I think Munsey should be selling used cars! This is classic Prosperity Gospel games in action. Detailed analysis at:
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