Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kyoto Memories: The Geisha - Blues MAMA Original

Donation Request Form - Kyoto Memories: The Geisha - Blues MAMA Original.
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Do you know about - Kyoto Memories: The Geisha - Blues MAMA Original

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How is Kyoto Memories: The Geisha - Blues MAMA Original

Kyoto Memories: The Geisha - Blues MAMA Original Video Clips. Duration : 4.40 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Form . PLEASE FRIENDS: REMEMBER JAPAN The horrible earthquake/tsunami and nuclear emergencies in Japan seem like some terrible dream that is happening so far away, but we are all connected, we are all relations... It takes so little, so please lift your cell phone and TXT: RED CROSS to the number 90999. A Donation Charge will appear on your next cell phone bill. The Red Cross is an American Institution and delivers 91 cents on every dollar donated to the disaster sites. We are not powerless, and we are not disconnected from our world or our fellow human beings! Please ACT, humankind awaits! Believe in Reincarnation? According to Dr. Quantum, it's theoretically possible. Ever had an affinity for a culture/place/music/art/historical period/etc, that you really couldn't explain based on your cultural experiences or other exposure? Many believe that is our "past" calling us...on a soul level. This is a "channeled" composition - in that I had no intention of playing it, it just "happened" - I also noticed it had a "feel" to it. When I explored that feel, these are the images that drew me. Japan 19th century era, at the change of the world... very much like our world today, on the verge of change. At first I was disappointed to notice that there is slight "newsreel" running under the track (from another room) but then it occurred to me that it's so typical of the information overload that is going on all the time around us... Same concept - personal, cultural, historical value ...
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