Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Glenn Gould's Toronto - The Complete Film (1979) 4/6

Donation Request Form - Glenn Gould's Toronto - The Complete Film (1979) 4/6.
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How is Glenn Gould's Toronto - The Complete Film (1979) 4/6

Glenn Gould's Toronto - The Complete Film (1979) 4/6 Video Clips. Duration : 8.60 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Form . Here it is -- the complete film. All 48 minutes of it. I said I would make it my mission to find it, bracing for a years-long, nationwide search through labyrinthian WorldCats & expensive 16mm-to-DVD transfers. So desperate, I offered to trade my 2nd favorite Zippo for it. In the end, the film was unceremoniously dumped in my lap by two fellow Gouldian YouTubers, a native Torontonian & an expat living in Switzerland, both of whom saw my original upload of the stunted 25-minute version, went through the time & expense to make me copies of the full version & to mail them to the States. All thanks go to them, who by request shall remain nameless. These Patron Saints of Buried Gould refused renumeration, so in their honor (& in Glenn's memory) I made a donation to the Humane Society. "Glenn Gould's Toronto" can now be seen as it was meant to be seen. For many people (including myself) this is the first time they've seen the entire film since it was first screened on the CBC in 1979. Let me assure you, the missing bits are true gems. To any Gouldian, this film needs no introduction. "Glenn Gould's Toronto" is the Holy Grail of Gould films. The first (and last) time I saw it was when I rented it from the Toledo Public Library in 1994. Ive been looking for the film ever since; it is long out-of-print, and nowhere to be found (except for brief excerpts) anywhere online...until now. I will dispense with any witty descriptions so as not to ruin the astonishment you will experience ...
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