Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Jason Heath & The Greedy Souls - A Fighter's Lullaby

Donation Request Form - Jason Heath & The Greedy Souls - A Fighter's Lullaby.
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How is Jason Heath & The Greedy Souls - A Fighter's Lullaby

Jason Heath & The Greedy Souls - A Fighter's Lullaby Video Clips. Duration : 4.38 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Form . Thanks to Jason Federici for granting me permission to use this song in this video. The video itself is nothing spectacular, no video or stills of Danny or anything of that sort. Maybe one day I'll get around to adding some, but for now, it's just a simple message: Please donate whatever you can to help fund research to find a cure for melanoma, the deadliest of all skin cancers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Todonate to the Danny Federici Melanoma Fund: Make checks payable to: The Danny Federici Melanoma Fund Mail to: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 633 Third Avenue, 28th Floor New York, NY 10017 Please include the following note with your donation: "This donation is for the exclusive purpose of the Danny Federici Melanoma Fund. I request that no portion of this donation be used for Memorial Sloan-Kettering overhead or administrative expenses." Donations are tax-deductible; Sloan will mail you a thank-you letter as proof of your donation for tax purposes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'll let Danny have the last word: "Our culture looks at a nice tan as a sign of luxury. We spend time in tanning booths when we can't go to the beach or lay by the pool. It's time to think again. Be aware of the dangers, take precaution, and have yourself checked out regularly by a dermatologist from head to toe. It could absolutely make the difference in your life."
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