Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bitcoin とは 中央銀行に依存しないデジタル通貨

Donation Request Form - Bitcoin とは 中央銀行に依存しないデジタル通貨.
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How is Bitcoin とは 中央銀行に依存しないデジタル通貨

Bitcoin とは 中央銀行に依存しないデジタル通貨 Tube. Duration : 1.73 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Form . ★★★ bit coin 日本語ページ開設 ★★★ とってもおもしろいコンセプトです。勝手にすき放題にお札を印刷しまくるUS ドルに対抗(?)したDIGITAL MONEYです。 What an innovation ! I would request any donation for my time consuming hard work via Bitcoin to promote this ;) But I feel that this is still early stage and not_so_user_friendly_yet. Creating a new universal currency is a big problem for central banks (See Gaddafi News) But it would be far easier on the net, I wonder. ! know this isn't Bitcoin's copcept, but if someone actually (Ben and White Dragon society et al. ) backs a digital coins with Gold to circulate them - a new non govenment backed independent solid money !!!
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