Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dave Brubeck - Jazz'd4Life - Redefine Christmas

Donation Request Form - Dave Brubeck - Jazz'd4Life - Redefine Christmas.
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How is Dave Brubeck - Jazz'd4Life - Redefine Christmas

Dave Brubeck - Jazz'd4Life - Redefine Christmas Tube. Duration : 0.63 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Form . www.redefine-christmas listens as Dave Brubeck talks about the profound impact of charitable giving, weaving altruism and the community-sustaining program of Jazz'd4Life, his charitable foundation. Jazz'd 4 Life is a non-profit organization dedicated to building opportunities for young people around the world. Their International focus supports schools, orphanages, medical clinics, camps, food and clean water programs. Their Domestic initiatives support a variety of programs that strengthen our Urban American youth. As we consider our individual place in this world, we can be of help to others with a simple gesture that bestows the gift of charity on those who are in need, on behalf of the ones we care about. If this sounds like a good idea to you, redefine Christmas by giving others donations to their favorite charities, request that others do the same for you, and visit http to share this message with as many people as you can think of. Chances are, you'll like the way it feels.
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