Sunday, July 29, 2012

Why conduct a Needs estimate First?

Do you know about - Why conduct a Needs estimate First?

A well-developed grant proposal must contain an insight of your organization's own needs and strengths, as well as your community and its needs and strengths.

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How is Why conduct a Needs estimate First?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Letter.

Why is it important to correlate the needs of your department and community first?

5 Reasons

Here are 5 reasons to correlate the community's needs first:

Reason 1 - You will avoid duplication of other projects doing similar activities.

Reason 2 - You can decree the "most pressing" of all the problems/needs first. By prioritizing the most pressing needs first, you have a greater opening of success, and success more quickly. Instead of spreading yourself out too thin, you focus on what's at the top of your list first. With a success or two under your belt, you can attract more funding to address other "less pressing" problems later.

Reason 3 - You are in a best position to leverage and maximize the resources you have within your department and community.

Reason 4 - You are able to decree the "impact" of getting a grant. Most people don't perceive the "side effects" of getting a grant or contract. These are often unexpected. For example, you may touch a turn in the buildings of your organization, personnel may have to be closed later (unless sustained funding is secured), priorities may have to be changed, and there is likely an impact on facilities and equipment.

Reason 5 - You can best able to clarify the need for your scheme and grant.

A "needs assessment" is a study instrument used prior to seeking funding. It's a tool you can use to decree the needs and interests for your agency, your agency's clients, as well as the community overall.

5 Key Elements Of A Good Needs Assessment

A good needs estimation should have these 5 components:

1) A clear, concise statement of the problem in your community that your grant will try to solve.

2) An precise record of the people to be served by your grant.

3) A list of factors or specific reasons why your idea should be prioritized over other requests for funding.

4) A overview of literature, investigate or studies that have addressed this same problem, as well as a overview of other programs which have tried to address this same problem in a separate context elsewhere.

5) Mention of any additional data that you suggest to gain while your project.

Example: All-In-One community Center

Let's look at an example...

A colleague worked for the city government in a neighboring state. They conducted a confidential study of the citizens and asked for their priorities in production the city a best place to live.

The response was nearly unanimous from the citizens. Not only did the community want a community center, but over 70% invite senior services, as well as a youth center with structured activities for the city's youth.

With the results of the needs assessment, the city created a community activity Plan Task Force that met monthly and was comprised of local company leaders, local seniors and youth, the City Council, and other implicated citizens.

The Task Force recommended creating a installation that would house the community Center. Collectively, the community members recommended interesting a donated historic train depot from its gift location at a new site where building of the new City Hall and an all-in-one community center could take place.

With a strong needs estimation and community activity plan, the city was approached by a Foundation who agreed to fund the project. So, if you are serious about addressing the needs in your community, escort a needs assessment. It's the first step to getting funding.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jeremy Spring - On My Way (cover)

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How is Jeremy Spring - On My Way (cover)

Jeremy Spring - On My Way (cover) Video Clips. Duration : 3.73 Mins.

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Abby's Army Walk to Cure Diabetes 2010

Donation Request Form - Abby's Army Walk to Cure Diabetes 2010.
The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Abby's Army Walk to Cure Diabetes 2010.

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How is Abby's Army Walk to Cure Diabetes 2010

Abby's Army Walk to Cure Diabetes 2010 Tube. Duration : 2.55 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Form . *Can you believe that Abby turned 5 in May? *Can you believe that she starts kindergarten in September and is currently in preschool 3 days a week? *Can you believe that once a week she has swimming lessons and twice a week she has skating lessons? *Can you believe that Abby gets at least 6 finger pokes a day AND 3 insulin injections? *Can you believe that Abby has had type 1 diabetes since she was only 20 months old? *Can you believe that when you count it up this little girl gets at least 1424 finger pokes a year and 1068 injections and she is on her 3rd year of it? She has the hard finger tips and bruised legs, bum and arms to prove it if you dont. Sunday, June 13th at the Greater Vancouver Zoo in Aldergrove we will be walking in our 4th Telus Walk to Cure Diabetes. Our team name is Abbys Army and we walk for Abby so that one day she wont need to poke her finger tips and get shots every day. It is very easy to talk bad about type 1 diabetes and complain about how time consuming it is and how it never goes away or gives us a break but I would rather have Abby tell you about it, so in Abbys words ... I hate having diabetes I dont like always having to poke my fingers cuz sometimes it really hurts I dont like it when mommy gives me a shot in my arm cuz it hurts but daddy can cuz he doesnt hurt Mommy can give me shots in my legs and bum I like wearing my medical bracelet and maybe Ill get a necklace one day I really dont like when my cousins are over and I have to stop ...
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