Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Earthquake and Cyclone Victims Can benefit From American Consumerism

Donation Request - Earthquake and Cyclone Victims Can benefit From American Consumerism
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The new natural disasters that have hit Myanmar (Burma) and China have been unbelievably tragic. The casualties from these events have been staggering; the outpouring of hold from other nations has been encouraging. Our world is no longer one in which we are isolated from other nations. Technology has made such events seem as though they are within our reach.

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How is Earthquake and Cyclone Victims Can benefit From American Consumerism

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request.

No longer can events happen overseas that we can plead ignorance to or argue that data is lacking. Further, the events of 9/11/2001 and Hurricane Katrina are still very present in American minds and consciences. Remembering the hold we received from other nations while that time, it is not our desire to turn our backs to others in crisis.

Further complicating the events in these Asian countries, is the discontentment that supplies are not getting straight through fast enough. From a region that has, to Americans, struggled to uphold tradition, honor spirituality, and find balance, the cyclone and earthquake are harsh reminders to us all that mother Nature bends to no one. She can grant attractiveness and means for a community to thrive on, or She can twist, bend, and break Her creations. mother Nature's wrath can leave a country starving and thirsty-literally and figuratively.

The traditional emphasis while these trying times has been on mere survival. There have been arduous searches to find those still alive, as well as survivors looking new ways of providing for their families. Now that some time has passed, a more accepted focus on the allinclusive toll will become more evident. Both Myanmar and China will face significant, if not devastating, financial struggles in the years ahead. The disasters will impact potential of life, the cheaper (tourism, exports, produce), and the allinclusive spirit of the nations' citizens.

With the current crunch in our own economy, as well as concerns about foreign aid reaching those it's intended to reach, Americans are struggling with what they can do to help out. Helping out may be easier than you think. Whereas a few months ago there was a lot of negative media attentiveness given to products being marketed in China , now may be the opportunity to demonstrate renewed interest in Chinese products. Certainly, do not put your house at risk by willfully buying questionable products such as those made with lead paint. Instead, investigate safe buying options that can help stimulate the Myanmar and Chinese economies (sound familiar, Americans?). Some ideas follow in the paragraphs below.

One popular export of both of these Asian countries is tea. The types of tea currently favored in the U.S. Are black and green teas. However, there is also a rising interest in the two other main types of tea: white and oolong. Oolong tea is the latest tea gaining popularity in Western culture, known for its flat and slightly fruit-infused taste . Oolong, translated, means "black dragon"; it is also sometimes referred to as Wulang tea because its inventor was Wu Liang. Myanmar, Laos, and the Yunnan Province of China are all areas credited with the origins of the tea plant.

Another tasty tea treat, popular in Myanmar and Burmese restaurants in the U.S. Is laphet . With laphet, you can eat your tea! Laphet is made with fermented (pickled) tea leaves, mixed with a collection of spices. The other spices can be salt, chili, sesame, fried garlic, peas, fried garlic, etc. The variations are tasty and allow you to get creative if you want to effort to make laphet at home.

Rubies are another export of Myanmar-approximately 90% of the world's rubies originate in this region. The brilliant, deep red of the gems is popular for Valentine and Christmas jewelry, as well as complementary stones for traditional solitaire engagement rings. In addition, Myanmar mines sapphires and jade. A lesser known fact about sapphires is that they come in a wide spectrum of colors. Blue sapphires are the most popular of the gem's colors, but other sapphires are completely clear or other shades referred to as "fancy colors." Jade is the green stone that can be found in both China and Myanmar. While gorgeous to look at, Jade is also exceptionally hard and was once made into tools.

Chinese art also goes straight through periods of trendiness with Western society. Chinese paper cutting is an intricate creative expression with a long tradition. In Chinese culture, paper cutting was once thought about to be roughly a requirement for females-they were incredible to master the skill to the point that brides were judged on their expertise. The paper cuts can be framed and displayed alone, used to adorn lamps, and sometimes function as paper lanterns, depending on if the designs are stacked or two dimensional. Red paper cuttings are especially popular, with doorways adorned with paper cuttings said to bring luck.

While financial donations are still the number one requested type of donation for most natural disasters, along with for the victims of Cyclone Nargis and the Sichuan earthquake, hold can come from other means, as well. The benefits of buying exported goods from these countries are the same as for American economic stimulus. Putting money back into the hands of these countries will help them in the short-term and the long-term. Bringing attentiveness to lesser-known ways to help victims of natural disaster is an option that can and should be explored, especially if there are concerns about donation scams. The best guidance is to buy products from established retailers with a long-standing connection with these countries, if not from the countries directly.

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