Friday, July 13, 2012

Alive in Baghdad - Pt. 1 Marwan Speaks about his Kidnapping

Donation Request Form - Alive in Baghdad - Pt. 1 Marwan Speaks about his Kidnapping.
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How is Alive in Baghdad - Pt. 1 Marwan Speaks about his Kidnapping

Alive in Baghdad - Pt. 1 Marwan Speaks about his Kidnapping Tube. Duration : 5.63 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Form . Visit each monday for new videos about life in Iraq! Make a donation to support our work at http Aside from death, abduction of a correspondent is just about the last thing anyone involved in a media organization wants to hear. On July 23rd, that is exactly what happened. Kidnappings have now become routine in Baghdad. Luckily Marwan was released approximately three days after his kidnapping. Unfortunately when Marwan was first kidnapped, we could not tell his story, due to his parent's request and fear for his safety. Today we bring you the first segment of a two part interview about his kidnapping and detention by one of Baghdad's militias, apparently the Mahdi Army. Marwan was kidnapped while shooting b-roll, that is supporting footage depicting life around Baghdad. It is an unfortunate reality that shooting footage on the streets of Baghdad is an incredibly dangerous prospect. Marwan had only been working for one week when he was kidnapped, he had not even received his ID card.
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