Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Karino's Fire=+=Prayer Request

Donation Request Form - Karino's Fire=+=Prayer Request.
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Do you know about - Karino's Fire=+=Prayer Request

Donation Request Form ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Donation Request Form . You look at this article for information on that wish to know is Donation Request Form .

How is Karino's Fire=+=Prayer Request

Karino's Fire=+=Prayer Request Video Clips. Duration : 5.02 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request Form . Since this video was posted we had to geld Karino's Fire, as the boarding stable closed near us and no others take stallions, we had no way to bring him home, other than as a gelding. We are still and EVEN more determined to raise funds for Hand of Hope through a great online site: FirstGiving is a reputable site where you can donate to Joyce Meyer Ministries (who operates Hand of Hope). You may ask why not just donate to JMM, and you can...but this site, as you see is a way for individuals to raise awareness for their charity of choice. Some run, some shave their heads, we are riding in endurance and hoping to raise awareness & funding for Hand of Hope. Even though Shadrach is no longer a stallion, through this organization, we can still be a hope and way to fund raise for the hurting in the world. ALL DONATIONS GIVEN ON go directly to Joyce Meyer Ministries to support Hand of Hope. LET ME REPEAT: none of your donation goes to support us or our rides, it goes directly through firstgiving to JMM & Hand of Hope. We will be over the years using more than one horse, though Karino's Fire is the beginning of this! Junior will be coming along side of Karino's Fire this season to also raise awareness for world missions. We hope & pray that our endurance & distance rides will be a vehicle to raise awareness of world missions; and that Karino's Fire (Shadrach) & Mandate for Gold (Junior) will be beacons of light, shining light on ...
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