Saturday, May 19, 2012

Christmas Miracle: Let's Make One

Donation Request - Christmas Miracle: Let's Make One
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Do you know about - Christmas Miracle: Let's Make One

Donation Request! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I should warn you, before you begin to read, that I will end by manufacture of you a personal request. Dignity prompts me to warn you in advance, and courtesy requires me to share personal aspects of myself before requesting from you what you may not want to give.

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How is Christmas Miracle: Let's Make One

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Request.

The satellite image that goes with this editorial is a haunting one. I was born in a nation, I will not say which, that I can pick out in fact on that satellite image, if only because its boundaries are etched into my soul, since there are few lights to pinpoint its location.

All that is in fact illustrated is its capital, wherein I was born. A lone dot of light surrounded by virtual darkness. That light, and that darkness, recite one of the many cities, and one of the most magnificent countries, in the world.

But that satellite image defines that nation. It defines its past, its present, its worst fears, and its largest weakness.

More on that in a moment.

Facebook and twitter postings from friends near and far have alerted me that the Christmas season has "officially" begun, for in the United States, as in many nations nearby the world, Christmas begins when the market start to worry about crowd control.

With talk of Christmas (and for those sensitive to political correctness, the holidays), population suddenly start being more civilized to each other. Whereas someone may have been selfish one moment, the next occasion that someone is implicated with gifts for others. Whereas a New York City driver may have dropped an "f-bomb" to his fellow conductor, he'll now conclude for an "a-hole" mention which, for New York City drivers, is a major improvement.

People also start listening to tear-bringing love songs and silly holiday tunes and all-out tear-jerkers about world poverty and children and the rest of it.

Some people, and more population than we in the major cities can imagine, flock to churches and listen to priests and reverends. Of those people, a smaller number, but still a important one, will remember the customary point of Christmas.
It's a holiday for family, of course, but it was originally, and in some families and in some towns and in some nations, it still is a holiday about one family, about one child who was born in a carport because his family was poor and no one would taken them in.

You've no doubt heard the story and have sworn the name of that child.

You need a manipulative reminder from me, or from whatever else, as to how poor he was and yet how princely he was, and how much he sacrificed.

You know the story.

Back to the first thing. About the satellite image.

To a separate story. To a story about a young girl who was hungry and poor. There was no romanticism to her, there was no immediate fear, no pleading, no sad eyes. There was something worse, something darker, something more inhumane than any fear or pleading or sad puppy eyes.

There was withdrawal and acceptance.

She was hungry and only a few yards away from a tour bus that had stopped in an open-air store on the side of a lonely road somewhere up in the mountains that are so tall that on that side of the mountains it was night, and on the other it was still day.

Her stomach was bloated and her clothes were in fact poor as she said, "I'm not hungry. There's nothing to eat, so why would I be hungry?"
She did not ask for food and even refused it when offered, and she refused money as well.

The adults working in that store were just as gracious. They were not asking for hand-outs. They just wanted to sell their crafts and apologized profusely for the girl's statement, begging forgiveness for their shame, and even lowering their prices in return for dignity. Some on the tour bus even accepted the lower prices.

This was in those dark parts of the satellite image, far away from the illumination that could in fact be Christmas lights.

The Christmas season is about what we want it to be about. That's what the preachers don't get when they say that it's about this or that. It's about everything.

It's about gifts, it's about consumerism, it's about God and Jesus and Christinaity, it's about Santa Claus and Christmas Trees and freezing the Snowman, because it's about humanity and human beings have one trait that is shared universally: We refuse to be defined by others.

We refuse to be defined by religious leaders or political leaders, just as we refuse to be defined by lights on a satellite image.

I wrote above that there is an customary point to Christmas, and that is an undeniable fact. It is also, however, not the only point to Christmas.

We each ascribe our own definitions to things and events, and we each find a point in the things we do.

Who am I to define a holiday for you, or to give it a point and a meaning for you?

Who are you to do the same for me?

Instead, I will tell you my definition, as best as I understand it, and give it my point and my meaning, in the hopes that you and I will find a point of business agreement and move transmit from there.

Christmas is a holiday of Christmas lights. It's a holiday in which we can spread a exiguous bit of hope, if only because we've socially mandated it onto ourselves that it's a holiday of kindness. It's a holiday for children, not in the sense that it is teenage but in the sense that they must be at the town of it, for nothing defines a family great than a child.
Christmas is about lighting up the world and hoping away the darkness.

Christmas is about bringing light to those darkened corners of the world in that satellite image above.

This is not political. This is not religious. This is not economic.

This is humane.

I am a human being and my fellow humans are hurting in those lands, so it is up to me to bring them some help, and it is up to you, and up to everybody else, and it is even up to them, for they are as strong and as self-sufficient as we are. All they lack is our spending power.

So, yes, I told you I would share something personal with you and I have.

Now I must ask something from you, as I promised I would above.

You have been gracious, thus far, in reading my words, and I humbly ask that your graciousness go beyond this article.

I am asking you to give, but everybody is asking you to give.

So, instead, I will ask you to give in such a way that it becomes self-acting and easy for you to give.

I will ask you to give for every that you spend while this holiday season. Either you spent that on gifts or on holiday parties or on trip for the holidays, so long as they were spent under the banner of the holidays, regardless of which holiday you celebrate, I ask that you then donate of that to the charity of your choice.

Whether it is to help the poor or Either it goes to a house of worship, for they will re-route it to the poor for you, or Either you donate it to disease research, or to education. It is your choice.

All I ask is that you give.


Because if the midpoint someone spends 0 on the holidays, then that someone would donate only , but if only 100 population do that, then we've already donated ,000.

It's time for a Christmas miracle, so why not make one ourselves?

Why not bring Christmas lights to those places and to those population who need them?

Why not be the Christmas lights themselves, regardless of what religion we ascribe to?

That is my ask to you, and rest assured that I will do it myself, for I never ask of others what I can't do myself.

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